Vision Workplace First Aid Station
Vision Workplace First Aid Station
Discover our efficient, stylish workplace first aid storage solution. Our deluxe wall station, crafted from high-quality, wipeable ABS plastic with a dustproof lid, houses workplace compliant kits. Each wall panel displays contents for easy selection, ensuring up-to-date and purposeful treatment provision in today's dynamic environments.
Each wall panel displays all the contents in a way that ensures effortless selection of specific components and enables effective treatment.
1 Conforming Bandage
2 Triangular Bandages
1 Burn Dressing
2 Eye Pad Dressings
2 Finger Dressings
2 HSE Medium Dressings
2 HSE Large Dressing
1 Foil Blanket, Adult
6 Pairs of Gloves
1 Guidance Leaflet
40 Plasters, Washproof Assorted
1 Resuscitation Face Shield
1 Shears
2 Microporous Tapes
20 Cleansing Wipes